Page 33 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
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are not left behind. language interpreters are just
Educating the Citizens a few of the measures ensuring
Initiatives like SVEEP their participation.
(Systematic Voters' Education The Election Commission
and Electoral Participation), also provides facilities like
a flagship program of the wheelchairs, pick-and-drop
Election Commission of India, services, and accessible toilets
were launched in 2009 for voter at every polling booth during
education, spreading voter elections, simplifying the
awareness, and promoting process for differently-abled
voter literacy in India. Since its citizens.
inception, it has been working Inclusion of Senior Citizens
towards preparing India’s For the first time in Lok Sabha
electors and equipping them history, the Election Commission
with basic knowledge related to of India introduced a Vote-
the electoral process, especially from-Home facility for senior
those from marginalised citizens aged 85+ and Persons
communities. with Disabilities (PwDs) during
Ensuring Access for the 2024 General Elections.
Differently-Abled Voters This groundbreaking initiative
The Election Commission benefitted over 81 lakh senior
has prioritised making elections voters and 90 lakh PwDs across
accessible for Persons with the country, ensuring greater
Disabilities (PwDs). Braille- inclusivity in the electoral
enabled electronic voting process.
machines (EVMs), ramps Democracy in the Heart of
at polling stations, and sign the Forest Is another remarkable