Page 48 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 48

India’s space
                                                  sector is soaring
                                                 to unprecedented
                                                 heights, driven by
                                                  innovations and
                                                  a thriving private
                                                ecosystem. From the
                                                 successful launch
              Friends, all these
                                                 of Pixxel’s ‘Firefly’—
           achievements are proof
                                                 India’s first private
           of how visionary India’s            hyperspectral satellite
          scientists and innovators            constellation—to ISRO’s
          are, in providing solutions            remarkable feat in
         to future challenges. Today,            space docking and
                                               experiments in growing
          our country is setting new
                                                plants beyond Earth,
            benchmarks in space
                                                the nation is rapidly
         technology. I extend my best
                                               cementing its position
         wishes to India’s scientists,           as a global space-
            innovators and young                 tech leader. Adding
                                               to this momentum, IIT
          entrepreneurs on behalf of
                                               Madras’s ExTeM Centre
              the entire nation.
                                               is pioneering futuristic
        -Prime Minister Narendra Modi
                                                  technologies for
            (in 'Mann ki Baat' address)
                                               space missions. These
                                                 advancements are
                                                not just milestones in
                                               scientific progress but
                                                 also a testament to
                                                India’s commitment
                                                 to self-reliance and
                                                 innovation in space

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