Page 45 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 45

ISRO’s journey for docking    happen.   The   mission  was
          capability  started  with  the    planned with multiple waypoints
          SPADEX mission. It was conceived   where the spacecrafts were held
          as a foundational demonstration   together  at  a priori  determined
          with an objective to progressively   distances. During the final phase,
          build space docking capability.   the spacecrafts are brought
          The   demonstration   required    further close to each other after
          meticulous  mission  planning     being captured and then finally
          and  development  of  a  host     form the composite spacecraft.
          of technologies and multiple      Various challenges were faced
          associated         challenges.    in each phase of the docking,
          SPADEX   spacecrafts   named      and each of the issues was
          Spacecraft-A   (SDX-01)   and     meticulously addressed, and the
          Spacecraft-B  (SDX-02),  each     spacecraft  were successfully
          with a mass of approximately      docked  on  January  16th,  2025.
          220 kg, were launched from        India, thus, became one among
          First Launch Pad, Sriharikota, by   a few countries to demonstrate
          PSLV to a precise orbit of 475 km   this complex technology.
          altitude at 55-degree inclination    The              successful
          on December 30th, 2024.           demonstration   of   the  in-
              The key pillars to accomplish   space docking experiment is
          the   docking  are   accurate     a forerunner for autonomous
          navigation, advanced sensors      docking and crucial for India’s
          and  guidance  system,  and  the   future missions for assembling
          docking system. Together these    modules  of  space  stations  for
          systems would ensure that         BAS,  for  transporting  crew  and
          the spacecrafts are perfectly     supplies to these stations, and
          aligned and measure distances     for Chandrayaan-4 for bringing
          in real time for docking to       the samples back to Earth orbit,

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