Page 44 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 44
India’s Space Milestone
Docking Satellites and Growing Plants in Space
spacecraft such that they
continue in orbit as a single
entity. The expertise in such a
technology paves the way for
building space infrastructure
one mission at a time.
Space docking is
undoubtedly a very challenging
endeavour although it may look
pretty straightforward in videos.
Dr V. Narayanan What is to be appreciated is that
Secretary, Department of Space,
the two spacecraft that are to
Chairman, Space Commission
be docked would be travelling
Chairman, ISRO
at around 27000 km/hr, orbiting
the earth every 90 minutes. Even
the minutest error can result in
missing the opportunity to dock.
This is because, unlike bringing
together two objects along a
straight line, the spacecraft
movement is entirely different.
The Government of India The movement along the
has recently outlined an three axes is coupled, and any
expanded vision for the Indian residual disturbance in one
space programme during the axis would affect the other.
Amrit Kaal that envisages an Hence, the alignment of the
Indian Space Station (Bharatiya spacecrafts with respect to each
Antariksh Station) by 2035 and other has to be within very strict
Indian Landing on the Moon tolerances. It is essential that
by 2040. An indispensable both the spacecraft should be
technology in accomplishing in nearly perfect harmony vis-à-
such complex and challenging vis their velocity and trajectory.
missions is the capability in The capability to dock hence
the field of space docking. At a requires clockwork-like precision
very broad level, it is the ability from all the systems without any
to bring together two separate room for error.