Page 9 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 9
is also turning clean, and people with ‘cleanliness’. Just a few
are becoming aware as well. days later, on the 2nd of
Just imagine if every village, October, the Swachh Bharat
every street, every locality in Mission is completing 10 years.
your area starts a similar ‘Thank This is an occasion to commend
You’ campaign, how much those who turned it into such a
change can come about! big mass movement in Indian
Friends, a cleanliness drive history. It is also a befitting
is being promoted aggressively tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, who
on the beach of Puducherry too. dedicated his entire life to this
Here, a woman named Remya cause.
ji is leading a team of youth Friends, today it is the
from Mahe Municipality and its success of the ‘Swachh Bharat
surrounding area. The people of Mission’ that the ‘Waste to
this team, through their efforts, Wealth’ mantra is becoming
are cleaning the Mahe Area, popular among people. People
especially the beaches in the have started talking about
vicinity. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle,
Friends, I have discussed citing their examples as well. Like
only two efforts here. But if we I just came to know about a great
look around, we will find that in effort in Kozhikode, Kerala. Here,
every part of the country, some 74 years old Subrahamanian ji
unique effort or the other is has repaired more than 23,000
definitely going on, associated chairs and thus made them
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