Page 7 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 7
and a
A Ripple Effect Better
be heard in the country’s 22 raining heavily in different parts
languages, besides 12 foreign of the country. This rainy season
languages as well. I love it when reminds us how important
people say that they, listened ‘water conservation’ is… how
to the 'Mann ki Baat' program important it is to save water.
in their local language. Many Water saved during rainy days
of you might know that, a quiz helps a lot during water scarcity
competition based on the 'Mann months, and that’s the spirit
ki Baat' program is also running in of campaigns like ‘Catch The
which any person can take part Rain’. I am happy that many
by visiting and people are taking new initiatives
winning prizes too. Today, at this to conserve water. One such
important juncture, I once again effort has been witnessed in
seek your blessings. With a pure Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh.
heart and complete dedication, You know that ‘Jhansi’ is in
may I continue singing songs Bundelkhand, whose identity is
of the greatness of the people linked with water scarcity. Here,
of India…May we all continue to in Jhansi, some women have
celebrate the collective power of given a new lease of life to the
the nation in this way… This is my Ghurari River. These women
prayer to God, this is my prayer are associated with a Self Help
to the people. Group and they have led this
campaign by becoming ‘Jal
My dear fellow citizens, for Saheli’. No one would have
the last few weeks it has been ever imagined the way these
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