Page 5 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 5
My dear countrymen, Namaskar
Once again, we have the information from every corner of
opportunity to connect in the country.
'Mann ki Baat'. This episode The listeners of 'Mann ki
today makes me emotional. Baat' are the real anchors of this
It’s flooding me with a lot of old show. A commonly held belief
memories…The reason is that has become so ingrained that
this journey of ours in 'Mann ki as long as there are no spicy or
Baat' is completing 10 years. 10 negative conversations, it does
years ago, 'Mann ki Baat' started not receive much attention.
on the day of Vijayadashami on But 'Mann ki Baat' has proved
the 3rd of October. And what how hungry the people of
a divine coincidence it is that the country are for positive
this year on the 3rd of October information. People like positive
when 'Mann ki Baat' completes stories, inspiring examples, and
10 years, it will be the first day encouraging stories very much.
of Navratri. There are many Just as there is a bird called
phases in this long journey of Chakor about which it is said that
'Mann ki Baat' that I can never it drinks only raindrops. In 'Mann ki
forget. Crores of listeners of Baat' we saw that, like the Chakor
'Mann ki Baat' have been our bird, people too listen with great
companions in this journey, pride to the achievements
whose continuous support I have of the country, the collective
kept receiving. They provided achievements of the people.
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