Page 43 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 43

the goddess of knowledge and      some or the other subject. Hence
          learning, Mata Saraswati. You     a library is called an ocean of
          learn, you create and you can     knowledge.”
          really enjoy it. It is a laboratory   He agreed.
          for young creators. It is an abode   I  wanted  to  talk  more,  but  I
          of knowledge because books        refrained as some other plan
          are never-failing friends. We     was already running behind
          should keep books of different    my mind. Within a few months,
          types for different age groups.   a small, good building was
          Everybody has a different taste.   constructed, with ideal furniture
          All experiences will not happen   and a big garden.
          to one person in one’s lifetime.     To   begin   with,  I  had
          But people should be able to      personally chosen all the books
          visualise when they read a book   and it covered many topics—
          about any subject.                adventure, creative activities,
              For  instance,  I  have  not   puzzles, stories on Indian history,
          climbed Mount Everest. But when   etc.
          I read a book about someone          On the inauguration day, I
          who has climbed and written a     gathered all the young children
          book about it, I understand and   and  gave each  one  of  them  a
          experience half their journey.    box of sweets. I said, “Today you
              So,  that  itself  is  great   will enjoy these sweets and it will
          knowledge. Every book shares      be over soon. You will enjoy it for

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