Page 43 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 43
the goddess of knowledge and some or the other subject. Hence
learning, Mata Saraswati. You a library is called an ocean of
learn, you create and you can knowledge.”
really enjoy it. It is a laboratory He agreed.
for young creators. It is an abode I wanted to talk more, but I
of knowledge because books refrained as some other plan
are never-failing friends. We was already running behind
should keep books of different my mind. Within a few months,
types for different age groups. a small, good building was
Everybody has a different taste. constructed, with ideal furniture
All experiences will not happen and a big garden.
to one person in one’s lifetime. To begin with, I had
But people should be able to personally chosen all the books
visualise when they read a book and it covered many topics—
about any subject. adventure, creative activities,
For instance, I have not puzzles, stories on Indian history,
climbed Mount Everest. But when etc.
I read a book about someone On the inauguration day, I
who has climbed and written a gathered all the young children
book about it, I understand and and gave each one of them a
experience half their journey. box of sweets. I said, “Today you
So, that itself is great will enjoy these sweets and it will
knowledge. Every book shares be over soon. You will enjoy it for