Page 32 - Mann Ki Baat English(MAY-2023)
P. 32

Indian Museums

                            Navigating Past, Present and Future

                                             India is a land of rich cultural
           When    we   cherish   the
                                          heritage. The highlights of this
        memories of history, it helps
                                          heritage  lies  in  the treasures  of
        the  coming  generations  a  lot.
                                          its art, architecture, and classical                                                     indispensable      for
        Sometimes we get new lessons
                                          dance,  music,  textiles  and  flora                                                    research as they can
        in museums... sometimes we
                                          and fauna, food, crafts, and
                                                                                                                                  provide scholars with
        get to learn a lot.               knowledge systems. Alongside                                                           access to sources such
        -Prime Minister Narendra Modi     being  worthy of  appreciation,                                                       as artefacts, objects, and
            (in 'Mann ki Baat' address)   this unparalleled kaleidoscopic                                                       documents.     Museums
                                          variety  that  one  of  the oldest                                                  are community treasures
                                          civilisations in the world houses,                                                 that  ensure  that  the  nation’s
                                          mandates    preservation  and                                                     history and culture are not lost
                                          promotion. And what better                                                       and continue  to educate the
                                          place to accomplish this than                                                    younger generations.
                                          museums?                                                                             There   has     been    a
                                             India is home to over                       and weaponry give us a peek       transformational shift in our
                                          1,000 museums, representing                    into the social and economic      perspectives on our culture
                                          a rich and diverse blend of                    lives of our ancestors and tell   and heritage in the past few
                                          the  cultural,  religious,  and                us stories about how our nation,   years. From being shadowed by
                                          scientific achievements that our               communities,   cultures,  and     the colonial past and mindset,
                                          civilisation has witnessed over                schools of thought came to be.    India is now awakening to its
         "Under the leadership of Prime
         Minister Narendra Modi, there    the years. Established in 1814,                    Apart from being spaces that   own  civilisational  and  cultural
         has been a growing interest in   the Indian Museum in Kolkata                   pique visitors’ interest and offer   depth under the leadership of
         museums among the general        was  the  first  public  museum  in            them amusement, museums           Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
         public and students which
                                          the country.  Thereafter,  several             double up as educational spaces   His speeches and addresses,
         is a positive consequence                                                       that showcase objects and         along with the several initiatives
         of the increasing awareness      museums of varied interests
         of   India’s  rich   history,    were opened across India that                  materials of cultural, historical,   taken by the Government, are
         culture  and  art,  the growing   have played an integral role                  and    religious   importance.    reflective  of  the  commitment
         importance of tourisms and       in preserving the history of our               The experiential learning in      that the Prime Minister made
         the   Government’s   efforts     society. This history comes in                 museums     facilitates  deeper   from the ramparts of the Red
         to promote museums as            different forms — it could be                  conceptual understanding by       Fort in 2022 about ‘taking pride
         educational   and   cultural                                                    enhancing students’ sensory       in our heritage’.
         institutions."                   through art, culture, science, or
                        -Dr. B.R. Mani    natural objects. Exhibits such as              literacy  —    absorption   of        Till date, around 240 ancient
                     Director General,     paintings, carvings, documents,               information through the senses    artefacts have been found,
                    National Museum       sculptures,  currencies,  tools,               such as sight, touch, hearing,    artefacts,  be  it the  idol of  Maa
                                                                                         and smell. Museums also prove     Annapurna stolen from Banaras,
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