Page 30 - Mann Ki Baat English(MAY-2023)
P. 30

Yuva Sangam programme, such       and international sportspersons.
                                                                                         as science and technology of      We   also  organised   special
                                                                                         other Institutions and the unique   sports  and  yoga   sessions
                                                                                         culture of other states.          for  them.  Besides,  a  special
                                                                                             We  had  planned  this  five-  discussion on entrepreneurship
                                                                                         six-day programme in such         and technology was organised
                                                                                         a way so that students get a      for their benefit.
                                                                                         chance to see different villages,     There  are  several  tribes  in
                                                                                         border areas, and heritage sites   the North-East whose languages
                                                                                         in Guwahati. We also organised    are on the verge of extinction
                                                                                         a 'Buddy Programme' for them      and  Linguistic  Science  is  being
                             Prof. Parameswar K. Iyer
                                                                                         where they were taken to three    utilized to preserve and take
                         Officiating Director, IIT-Guwahati                              different villages of Assam and   them  forward.  We  also  talked
                                                                                         the students from Jammu and       about   language   processing
                                                                                         Kashmir, Karnataka and Gujarat    development    so   that  the
           Youth Participation in Cultural Integration
                                                                                         were served local meals where     students too can contribute in
                                                                                         they got to know about Assamese   this  field.  We  also  connected
                                                                                         cuisine. They also came to know   Japanese    students   visiting
            Yuva Sangam, organised by     the youth of the country, which
                                                                                         about the  the way of  life of  the   Assam  with  the  Yuva  Sangam
        the Government of India, is a very   was never there in our time.
                                                                                         locals, including what they eat   programme      where     they
        important programme for our       I believe that the youngsters
                                                                                         and how simply they live. Border   interacted with Indian students.
        country. Our nation is incredibly   have  benefited  much  from  our
                                                                                         Force helped us a lot; they       This did not happen in any other
        large and diverse, and if we      efforts to introduce them to
                                                                                         stayed with the students from     state. At IIT Guwahati, during Yuva
        want to strengthen the sense of   Assamese culture, and I think the
                                                                                         the day one and also took them    Sangam, we not only gave the
        unity in diversity, it’s extremely   programme should continue to
                                                                                         to the border town of Bhutan.     children an opportunity to know
        essential to bring our youth      grow, in which IIT Guwahati will
                                                                                         The students had an important     about Assam, but the youth also
        together and make them aware      extend full cooperation.
                                                                                         interaction with our Governor     learned a lot from the Japanese
        of the variety of cultures and        Our  youth  are our  biggest
                                                                                         Shri Gulab Chand Katariaji at the   students. We showcased the rich
        traditions  of  the entire  country.   asset. I believe that exposure
                                                                                         Raj Bhavan. Students were taken   culture and diversity of Assam to
        IIT Guwahati is very grateful     to the country's culture and
                                                                                         to the Laxmibai National Institute   the students and we hope that
        for being selected as the host    tradition as well as other things
                                                                                         of Physical Education for sports   they will give a message to the
        institute and for this opportunity   like exposure to science and
                                                                                         related activities and there they   country that the North-East is
        to  showcase  the  tradition  and   technology in premier institutes
                                                                                         also interacted with national     also progressing fast.
        culture of Assam to the students   like IITs will also contribute
        from different states under the   significantly to the growth of the
        Yuva    Sangam    programme,      youth. All the students who have
        initiated by the Hon’ble Prime    come here have come to know
        Minister  and  organised  by  the   that there are many things in
        Ministry of Education. The special   the country in which they can
        thing about IIT Guwahati during   contribute,  and  by learning  all
        Yuva Sangam was that it hosted    this, the potential of the youth
        students  from  five  different   will be further expanded, so that
        states namely Jammu Kashmir,      they can learn new things with
        Chandigarh,  Gujarat,  Karnataka   which  they  can  further  guide
        and Delhi. More than 200          the next generation. Students
        students from these states were   from IIT Guwahati also had
        staying together here whand it    the opportunity to experience
        was a great opportunity to unite   numerous things through the
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