Page 14 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 14

drug abuse. A few days ago, the   many  villages  where  there  is
        Helpline and Portal of ‘Manas’    no  conflict  between  humans
        were launched. The government     and tigers. But where such a
        has issued a toll-free number,    situation arises, unprecedented
        ‘1933’. Anyone can call this      efforts are being made for the
        number    to  get   necessary     protection of tigers there as
        advice or information related     well. One such effort of public
        to rehabilitation. If anyone has   participation is the  ‘Kulhadi
        any other information related     Band Panchayat’. The  ‘Kulhadi
        to drugs, they can also share     Band   Panchayat’   campaign
        it with the Narcotics Control     that started in Ranthambore,
        Bureau by calling this number.    Rajasthan is very interesting. The
        All information shared with       local  communities themselves
        MANAS  is  kept  confidential.  I   have taken an oath that they
        urge all people, all the families,   will not go to the forest with
        and all the institutions engaged   axes and will not cut trees. Due
        in making India ‘drugs free’ to   to this one decision, the forests
        make full use of the MANAS        here are becoming green once
        Helpline.                         again, and a better environment
                                          is being created for the tigers.
            My dear fellow citizens, Tiger    Friends,  Tadoba-Andhari
        Day will be celebrated all over   Tiger Reserve of Maharashtra
        the world tomorrow. In India,     is one of the main habitats for
        tigers have been an integral      tigers. The local communities
        part of our culture. We have all   here, especially our brothers and
        grown  up  listening  to  stories   sisters of the Gond and Mana
        related to tigers. In the villages   tribes, have taken rapid strides
        around forests, everyone knows    towards eco-tourism. They have
        how to live in harmony with the   reduced their dependence on
        tiger.  In our country, there are   the forest so that the activities of

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