Page 13 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 13

Skill of hands,

                                                     together with

                                                     products take off
                                                      on a new flight

          are also engaged in making        new employment opportunities.
          handloom products popular. I      Mostly, women are associated
          am also happy to see that many    with this industry, so they are
          people  are  engaged  in  making   the  ones  who  are  benefiting
          the local products of their place   the most. I urge you once more:
          popular. You too can upload your   you must have many types of
          local products on social media    clothes, and if you have not
          with the hashtag ‘My Product My   bought  Khadi  clothes  till  now,
          Pride’ (#MyProductMyPride). This   start this year.
          small effort of yours will change    The   month    of   August
          the lives of many people.         is around the corner. This
              Friends,    along     with    is the month of attaining
          handloom, I would also like to    independence; it is the month
          talk about Khadi. There must      of  revolution.  What   better
          be  many  amongst  you  all       opportunity could there be than
          who have never used Khadi         this to buy Khadi?
          products  before,  but  today  you
          wear Khadi with great pride.  I      My dear fellow citizens,
          am also happy to tell you that    in ‘Mann ki Baat’ I have often
          the turnover of Khadi Village     discussed   with   you    the
          Industry has crossed "  1.5 lakh   challenge  of  the  drug  menace.
          crore  for  the  first  time.  Just   Every family is worried that
          imagine  one-and-a-half  lakh     their  child  might  get  caught  in
          crore rupees, and do you know     the grip of drugs. Now, to help
          how much the sale of Khadi has    such people, the government
          increased? 400% ! This rising     has  opened  a special  centre
          sale of Khadi, or handloom, is    named – ‘Manas’. This is a very
          also creating a large number of   big  step  in  the  fight  against

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