Page 10 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 10
doing endlessly… multiplication, name of Charaideo Maidam? If
division. But I wish you all the not, you will now hear this name
best. You have raised the stature again and again and will tell
and name of the country. Thank others with great enthusiasm.
you, friends. Charaideo Maidam of Assam is
Students: Thank you, thank being included in the UNESCO
you. World Heritage Sites. In this list,
Prime Minister: Thank you. it will be the 43 site in India, but
Students: Thank you Sir, Jai the first site from the Northeast.
Hind. Friends, the one question
Prime Minister: Jai Hind – Jai arising in your mind must be
Hind. what exactly is Charaideo
It was a pleasure talking Maidam, and why is it so special?
to all of you students. Thank Charaideo means a shining city
you very much to all of you on the hills. This was the first
for joining ‘Mann ki Baat’. I am capital of the Ahom dynasty.
sure that after listening to The people of the Ahom dynasty
these young stalwarts of Maths, traditionally kept the mortal
other youngsters will derive the remains of their ancestors and
inspiration to enjoy Maths. their valuables in the Maidam.
A Maidam is a mound-like
My dear countrymen, in structure covered with soil on
‘Mann ki Baat’, I now want to top that has one or more rooms
share one topic, after listening underneath. This Maidam is
to which every Indian will feel a symbol of reverence for the
proud. But before I tell you departed kings and dignitaries
about it, I would like to ask you of the Ahom Empire. This way
a question. Have you heard the of showing respect to one’s
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