Page 64 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 64
of life for the working class and National Congress. The NPC was
the marginalised sections of an ambitious economic project
society. He made substantial aimed at laying the foundation
efforts to improve public health, for an independent and self-
sanitation, and infrastructure. reliant India. Under Bose’s
Bose was also instrumental guidance, the committee sought
in organising educational to develop a comprehensive
reforms during his time as Mayor, economic plan that would
working towards the betterment address the country’s industrial,
of schools and institutions under agricultural, and social needs
municipal control. His leadership post-independence.
was marked by a vision that The NPC proposed ideas for
emphasised social welfare, industrialisation, the creation
and he sought to integrate of a modern education system,
progressive ideas into local and policies for equitable
governance. Despite being distribution of wealth. Bose,
an advocate for nationalist drawing inspiration from
movements, his tenure as socialist and nationalist thought,
Mayor was pragmatic and envisioned India free from the
demonstrated his deep concern economic exploitation of the
for the day-to-day needs of the British. He believed that India’s
common people, something independence was incomplete
that made him popular among without economic autonomy. The
the masses of Kolkata. National Planning Committee’s
National Planning work laid the groundwork for
Committee: A Vision for many economic policies that
Economic Self-Reliance would later be adopted after
Another pivotal initiative by Independence, although the
Subhas Chandra Bose was his committee was dissolved after
involvement in the formation Bose’s resignation from the
of the National Planning Congress leadership in 1939.
Committee (NPC) in 1938, while Indian Legion: The Armed
he was the President of the Indian Struggle for Freedom
Perhaps one of Bose’s most