Page 67 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 67
“In the past, Lakshadweep
had very limited facilities.
There were no operation
theaters. Surgeries and other
treatments were carried out
under the light of petrol lamps.
I had the opportunity to work
alongside doctors and actively
participated in such operations.
No matter what the treatment
or medical emergency is, we
must be ready to wake up
and respond, even if it is in the
middle of the night.”
- Hindumbi K, Native Nurse,
Kavaratti Island, Lakshadweep
“It is beyond my imagination
that the Prime Minister of our
country shows his concern
and acknowledges our
efforts by mentioning our
name. This is a message for
all how the Prime Minister
values the dignity of the
deprived and marginalised
sections of the society.”
Deepak Nabam, Chairman,
Deepak Nabam Living Home,
Arunachal Pradesh