Page 59 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 59

at all. It's merit that wins, not   innovation doesn’t have a pin
          credentials. Young India now      code.
          has access to what was once
                                               So, if you’re reading this
          reserved for the privileged few:
                                            wondering  if  you  should start
          capital, talent, and knowledge.
                                            that idea you’ve been sitting on,
          The barriers that used to exist—
                                            here’s my advice: Don’t wait for
          whether based on geography,
                                            the perfect moment. It doesn’t
          education, or social standing—
                                            exist. Take the risk. Build. Fail.
          are crumbling. If you have an
          idea and the determination to     Learn. And maybe, just maybe,
          see  it  through,  the  playing  field   you’ll create something that not
          has never been more level.        only changes your life but also
              India's startup story isn’t   inspires  someone else  to  take
          about   copy-pasting   models
                                            their own leap.
          from the West anymore. It’s
                                               This is India’s time. Not just
          about creating solutions that
                                            for big cities, not just for men,
          are uniquely Indian. Whether it's
                                            not just for the privileged. It’s for
          building vernacular solutions for
                                            everyone with an idea and the
          Bharat, developing  sustainable
          pet food, or even pioneering DNA   courage to pursue it. And that,
          storage  technologies,  young     to me, is the true spirit of Startup
          entrepreneurs are proving that    India.

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