Page 54 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 54

Startup India

                          9 years of transforming the nation's

                                      entrepreneurial landscape

            Friends, just a few days          India, a nation with 65% of its
           ago,   Startup  India  has     population  under  35,  needed a
        completed 9 years. More than      structured platform to channel
        half  of  the  startups  that  have
        been formed in our country in     entrepreneurial aspirations. On
        these 9 years are from Tier 2     August 15, 2015, Prime Minister
        and Tier 3 cities, and when we    Narendra Modi announced the
        hear that, every Indian's heart is   'Startup India' initiative, which
        delighted with the fact that our   was  formally  launched   on
        Startup culture is not limited to
        just big cities.                  January 16, 2016. His vision was to
                                          create job providers rather than
         -Prime Minister Narendra Modi    job seekers, a vision that has
             (in 'Mann ki Baat' address)  since transformed India's startup
                                          ecosystem. Today, India boasts
                                          over 1.5 lakh startups and more
                                          than 118 unicorns.
                                              Evolution of India's Startup
                                              The success of Startup India
                                          stems from strategic policies
                                          that   provided   financial   aid,
                                          tax exemptions, and funding
                                          avenues like the Mudra loan
                                          scheme (up to Rs 20 lakh) and a
                                          Rs 1 lakh crore research fund. The
                                          ecosystem expanded beyond
         “This is India’s time. Not just   metro  cities,  reaching  over  600
                                          districts and covering sectors
         for  big cities,  not  just for  men,
                                          such as agriculture, textiles,
         not just for the privileged. It’s for
                                          medicine, transport, and space.
         everyone with an idea and the        From a mere 500 startups
         courage to pursue it. And that, to   in 2014, India has become the
                                          world’s  third-largest  startup
         me, is the true spirit of Startup
                                              In  recognition  of   this
                       -Nikhil Kamath     growth, National Startup Day
              Investor and Entrepreneur   was  introduced  on  January  16,
                                          2022. India's global standing

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