Subject : Distribution for PM speeches and other I&B jobs for covering VIPs categories.

Sr. No. Code No. Name Of Category No. Of Add. Quota Total Allocation(each in H/E)
1 75011 President/Vice President/Speaker/ Dy.Speaker/Dy. Chairman 5 50 250
2 Union Minister's 75 1 75
3 Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani,
Minister of I&B, Bungalow No.-28 Tuglak Cresent, New Delhi-110003
1 50 50
4 Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani,
Ministrer of I&B, Room No 560, A-Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Phone: 23384782
1 50 50
5 Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore(Retd.),AVSM
Minister of State for I&B, 12, Sunheri Bagh Road, New Delhi
1 50 50
6 Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore(Retd.),AVSM
Minister of State for I&B,Room No 119, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Phone: 23381193
1 50 50
7 85010 Governors/Lt.Governors/Lokayauktas 19(H)+29(E) 48 1 48
8 Cabinet Secretary 1 50 50
9 45010 Secretary to the Government of India 105 1 105
10 Shri N.K. Sinha, Secretary, M/O I&B, R.No.654 A Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 1 25 25
11 85020 Chief Ministers State Governments 11(H)+19(E) 30 1 30
12 85040 Chief Secretaries State Governments(13(H)+22(E) 35 1 35
13 Shri A.P. Frank Noronha, Pr.DG, M&C PIB,Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 1 50 50
14 Ms. Jayashree Mukherjee, Addl. Secretary M/o I &B Room No.649 Shastri Bhawan New Delhi 1 250 250
15 Dr. Subhash Sharma, Addl. Secretary & F.A. M/o I &B Room No.549 Shastri Bhawan New Delhi 1 250 250
16 DG. CBC M/O I&B 1 10 10
17 ADG's CBC M/O I&B 4 10 40
18 DPR, PM UNIT, PIB, Room No -3 N.M.C. Raisina Road, New Delhi 1 50 50
19 R&R Officer, PM Sectt., South Block, New Delhi 1 50 50
20 Publicity Officer, XP Div.,M/O External Affairs,Diplomatic bag Section, J.L.N. Bhawan, New Delhi 1 200 200
21 The Under Secretary, Lok Sabha Sectt. (for MPs) 1 550 550
22 The Under Secretary, Rajya Sabha Sectt. (for MPs) 1 250 250
23 The Director , Parliament Library, Lok Sabha Sectt.,ED-059, Basement, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi 1 25 25
24 10010 Media Heads, M/O I&B 25 1 25
25 10042 Divisional Heads/Cos, CBC Hqdrs. 28 1 28
26 75083 Selected Officers, M/O I&B 48 1 48
27 34010 National Political Parties (Delhi) 6 2 12
TOTAL 2656
Quota No of Addrress
1 494
2 06
10 04
25 02
50 12
200 01
250 01
500 01
550 01