CBC: A Citizens'/Clients'/Customers' Charter
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
Soochna Bhavan, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Website: https://cbcindia.gov.in/
March 2025
The purpose of this Charter is to enable providing quality service to our Client Ministries and Departments, as well as media organizations, public and private, that carry our advertisements, and to anyone who does business with us or partners us in any way.
To achieve a seamless dissemination of social messages from the Government to the masses, thereby informing, educating and empowering them, and thereby transforming their lives.
To inform the people about the initiatives, policies, programmes and achievements of the Government through:
- Press advertisements
- Audio Visual spots: documentaries, jingles etc.
- Printed literature: posters, booklets, folders etc.
- Mass Mailing of publicity material
- Outdoor Publicity: kiosks, hoardings, banners, bus-panels etc.
- Exhibitions on specific themes of national and socio-economic relevance
The services we render:
- Function as the nodal multi-media advertising agency of the Central Government.
- Facilitate Central Government departments in formulating communication strategies/media plans
- Provide much cheaper media buying by fixing rates depending on circulation/viewership, using CBC's unique position as the single-largest media buyer in the market.
- Empanel Newspapers/Journals/TV/Radio/Digital Media/Emerging/Outdoor Publicity Agencies/ Printers/Producers for design of advertisements/release of government advertisements after verifying their credentials.
- Release time-bound payment to media organizations on behalf of Clients, for the advertisements carried by them, after due verification.
Sr. No. | Main Services | Service Delivery Standard |
1 | Publishing Press Advertisements in Newspapers on behalf of Ministries/Departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies etc | Within 5 working days of request from Client (after funds and approval from client) |
2 | Preparation of Media-Plan of Empanelled Newspapers within Client's Budget. | Within 3 days of request from Client |
3 | Designing of Press Advertisements | Within 10 days of Client request |
4 | Airing of TV/Radio advertisements in TV/Radio on behalf of Ministries/Departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies etc | Within 7 working days of request from client (supported by funds,creative and approval) |
5 | Preparation of Audio-Visual Campaign Plan based on Client's Budget | Within 10 days of request from Client |
6 | Production of TV/Radio Advertisements | Within two months of request letter from Client |
7 | Printing of posters/booklets/folders/diaries/calendars | Within one month of final approval of content by Client |
8 | Implementation of Outdoor Publicity Campaign involving kiosks, hoardings, banners, bus-panels etc. on behalf of Clients | Within one month of final approval from Client, along with transfer of funds |
9 | Wallpaintings on behalf of Clients | Within two months of final approval and transfer of funds |
10 | Preparation of Outdoor Campaign Plan based on Client's Budget | Within two weeks of Clients' request |
11 | Distribution of Publicity Material on behalf of Clients | Within one month of final approval and transfer of funds by Client |
12 | Preparation of estimate for dispatch of material by Mass Mailing Wing | Within one week of the request from Client |
13 | Release of payment to media organisations | Within three months of raising of bill |
14 | Disposal of applications for empanelment/rate renewal | Within two months of the final meeting of the Empanelment Advisory Committee |
15 | Furnishing of expenditure statement to Client | Within two weeks of request |
a. Name and contact details of Public Grievance Officer:
1) Ms. Matoo JP Singh, Director, CBC, Room No. 765, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 110003. The Grievance officer can be contacted over phone, email &post or in person.
Telephone number is : 24369560
Email: mattujpsingh[at]rediffmail[dot]com
In person: On all Wednesdays, without prior appointment, between 3 and 4 pm.
2) DG (CBC) meets public on Wednesdays, with prior appointment (tel: 24369597), between 3 and 4 pm, in his chamber.
3) If a complainant is not satisfied by the response of the Grievance Officer of CBC, he/she can refer the matter to the Grievance Officer of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, whose particulars are given below:
Khurshid Ahmed Ganai. JT SECY (P&A)
Room No. 657, 'A' Wing, Shastri Bhavan
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Marg, New Delhi - 110001
Ph: 23384453(O) 24654283(R)
b. Helpline number/Website URL to lodge grievances : Grievances can be lodged with DG, CBC at dgdavp[at]nic[dot]in or ADG at adg[dot]davp[at]nic[dot]in or the Grievance Officer at mattujpsingh[at]rediffmail[dot]com
c. Response to be expected by person lodging the grievance: A reply from Public Grievance Officer outlining the steps taken to redress the grievance.
d. Timelines for redress: Within two months of the complaint.
a. Central government ministries and departments
b. Public Sector Undertakings and Autonomous Bodies
c. Newspapers/magazines/TV/Radio /Multi-Media & Print Creative Agencies/Outdoor Publicity Agencies/ Printers on the panel of CBC.
d. The citizens of India, including the taxpayers.
1) Responsibility Centers in New Delhi:
Campaign Wing - for coordinating publicity campaigns
Advertising Wing - for release of press advertisements
Printed Publicity Wing - for printing of printed publicity material
Co-ordination Wing- Rate fixation and Empanelment of Newspapers/magazines
Audio-Visual Wing - for production and release of audio/video programmes &spots/empanelment of TV/Radio
Outdoor Publicity Wing - for production & display of outdoor publicity material
Exhibition Wing - for conceptualizing and putting-up exhibitions
Mass Mailing Wing - for distribution of publicity material
Studio with DTP facility - for word processing and designing purposes
Accounts Wing- for processing of bills
Administration Wing - for providing administrative & logistical support
IT Wing- For providing support in maintaining the Website, computers & software.
2) Responsibility Centers outside New Delhi:
Two Regional Offices at Bangalore and Guwahati to coordinate the Directorate's activities in the southern and eastern regions respectively:
a) Shri. Sourav Das, Deputy Director
Room No.- 363
Intercom- 294
Mobile:- 9582811147
Phone No.- 011-24369510
b) Shri S. C. Nawal, Assistant Director
Room No.- 362
Intercom- 264
Mobile:- 7206083909
Phone No.- 011-24369365
3) The Exhibition Wing has 32 Field Exhibition Units including mobile exhibition vans. In addition, there is a Regional Exhibition Workshop at Chennai and a Exhibition Kit Production Centre at Guwahati to assist the Exhibition Division at Regional Offices in designing and fabricating exhibits.
a) To ensure that funds are transferred in advance for all activities, based on estimates given by CBC.
b) To give approval to all Creatives, whether for Print/Audio-visual/Outdoor/Printing, in time.
c) To ensure that CBC gets the a minimum of 5 working days' to publish print ads & 7 working days' for airing TV/Radio campaigns.
d) To ensure that all outstanding bills are cleared for advertisements released in previous periods.
e) To adhere to the Government of India's advertising policy, whether for Newspapers or TV/Radio not show favour to any particular paper or Channel or organization.
CBC shall review this Charter on a yearly basis, in consultation with both its Clients and the media organizations who carry its advertisements. The next Review of this Charter will be published .