Internal Guidelines for empanelment of print & multi-media agencies
Internal Guidelines for empanelment of print &multi-media agencies
DAVP empanels print and multi-media creative agencies for the benefit of client departments and also for its own creative requirements for print and multi-media campaigns.
Various ministries and departments under the Government of India require the services of print and multi-media creative agencies for production of their creative content. The services of the empanelled print and multi-media agencies can be used by client ministries/departments and also by DAVP for carrying out such campaigns.
1. Empanelment may be done by an empanelment advisory committee consisting of:
- a. ADG(I&B) – Chairperson
- b. Director (I&B ), Ministry of I & B – Member
- c. Director(Campaign coordination) – member
- d. Director( I &B) – Member Secretary
- The EAC will be constituted with the approval of DG: DAVP
2. The eligibility criteria for Multi-media Creative Agencies:
- a) The agencies would be classified into category (A),(B) &(C) based on their three year average of gross annual turnover.
- Category -a)
- I. Agencies with the turnover of Rs. 100 crore and above.
- II. Professional experience of atleast 5 years in social sector advertising.
- III. All India/Regional presence atleast in 4 states.
- Category-b)
- I. Agencies with the turnover of Rs. 50 to 100 crore.
- II. Professional experience of atleast 5 years in social sector advertising.
- III. All India/ Regional presence atleast in 4 states.
- Category-c)
- I. Agencies with the turnover of Rs. 25 to 50 crore.
- II. Professional experience of atleast 5 years in social sector advertising.
- III. All India /Regional presence atleast in 4 states.
3. Eligibility criteria for Print Media Creative Agencies.
- i. Agencies with the turnover of Rs. 5 to 25 crore.
- ii. Professional experience of atleast 5 years in social sector advertising.
- iii. All India/ Regional presence atleast in 4 states.
4. The empanelment would be valid for a period of three years.
5. DAVP would review the empanelment once in every 18 months. It shall also seek fresh applications from those agencies that are not already empanelled.
6. DG: DAVP has the right to provisionally empanel any agency under the category the agency deems to be fit. The provisional empanelment would be valid till the next date of review. The review of the agencies shall also be carried out by the Empanelment Advisory Committee during which the Committee is authorised to recommend DG:DAVP to either reject or confirm the provisional empanelment. DG: DAVP is empowered to either accept any such recommendations on provisional empanelment or reject such recommendations however, after recording the reasons for rejection.
7. At the end of the three year empanelment the empanelled agencies shall again apply afresh.
8. The above mentioned eligibility criteria may be changed or altered in order to suit the requirements of Govt. of India from time to time.
9. Professional experience of at least 5 creative campaigns in social sector advertising.
10. The list of the empanelled agencies shall be circulated to all the Client Ministries and Departments along with their respective Terms and Conditions for engaging the agencies for various creative works. The Client Ministry or Department is free to choose any of the empanelled agencies for their work. The Client Ministry /Department can consult DAVP for any assistance while employing an agency for creative work. However it is being clarified any Ministry/Department shall engage an agency only as per the Terms and Conditions as being circulated by DAVP.
11. DAVP may constitute an Internal Evaluation Committee for evaluation of creatives submitted by the selected agencies before being forwarded to the client. The recommendation of the Internal Evaluation Committee will be recommendatory. The Evaluation Committee may consist of:
- a. Concerned Campaign Director
- b. Director- Campaign Coordination
- c. Concerned Campaign Officer
12. An agency nominated to a client Ministry will not be nominated again till he has been either accepted or rejected by the client Ministry. The agency will not be nominated again till he has completed the work allotted to him. However, the agency can be nominated again if the Ministry fails to finalise the job within a month from the date of briefing.
13. Empanelment does not guarantee that the work will be provided to the agency necessarily.