Page 15 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 15
uses to everyone. Subashree is will surely find these challenges
carrying forward our traditional interesting. Some challenges
heritage, which has been a even focus on music, education
part of our culture for hundreds and even anti-piracy. There are
of years. Her herbal garden many professional organisations
connects our past to the future. associated with this objective
Our best wishes to her. and are providing full support
Friends, in these changing to these challenges. In order to
times, the nature of jobs is participate, you can log in to
changing and new sectors are I specially urge
emerging, such as gaming, the creators in the country to
animation, reel making, film ensure participation and bring
making, or poster making. If their creativity to the fore.
you can perform well in any of
these skills, your talent can get My dear fellow citizens, this
a very big platform. If you are a month marks the culmination
part of a band or working for a of 10 years of another important
community radio, then there is campaign. The success of
also a huge opportunity for you. this campaign includes the
In order to promote your talent contribution of the country’s
and creativity, the Ministry of big industries as well as small
Information and Broadcasting, shopkeepers. I am talking
Government of India, has about ‘Make in India’. Today,
started 25 challenges under it gives me immense joy to see
the theme, ‘Create in India’. You that the poor, the middle class
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