Page 37 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 37

eliminating  the   need    for
          physical copies. The UMANG        phishing attempt might seem

          app   acts   as  a   one-stop     like small steps, but they
          solution for various government   contribute to a larger vision of
          services,  from  filing  taxes  to   inclusivity and empowerment.

          accessing   pension    details,      Moreover, these interactions
          making everyday tasks more        foster inter-generational bonds,

          convenient. These initiatives     bridging the gap between
          collectively empower citisens,    the young and the old. They
          enabling them to navigate and     also instill a sense of purpose

          benefit  from  India’s  growing   and     community     among
          digital ecosystem effectively.    youth, making them active
              Youth Driving Change          participants in nation-building.

              While the government lays        As we celebrate such efforts,
          the foundation, it is the youth who   let us also recognise the potential
          breathe life into these initiatives.   of every young individual in

          With their technological fluency   making a difference. After all,
          and energy, young people          empowering one person can

          are uniquely positioned to        inspire a ripple effect of change
          mentor the elderly. Teaching      across communities, ensuring
          an elderly person to navigate     that  no one—young  or  old—

          a  smartphone,  make  a  digital   is left behind in India’s digital
          payment,    or  recognise   a     revolution.

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