Page 23 - Mann Ki Baat English(MAY-2023)
P. 23
Nyokum from Arunachal between people of different
Pradesh and Vishakha Singh States/UTs under the ‘Ek Bharat,
from Bihar, who shared their Shreshtha Bharat’ programme.
valuable experiences of learning Various activities to promote
about different cultures than a sustained and structured
their own. Over the two phases cultural connection in the areas
conducted, more than 2,200 of language learning, traditions,
students from across the art forms, sports, tourism, and
States and UTs participated in cuisines have been carried out
a multi-dimensional exposure. across the nation to increase
The programme provided people-to-people connection
an immersive experience and promote an inclusive
of numerous facets of life, society. For when a nation stands
development landmarks, united, it stands empowered.
recent achievements, and From celebrating Kashi-Tamil
a youth connect in the host Sangamam and Saurashtra-
State. During the tours, the Tamil Sangamam, where age-
delegates interacted with old links between the States are
Governors, Chief Ministers, Union reaffirmed and rediscovered,
Ministers, Padma Awardees, to reviving Madhavpur Mela, to
eminent sportspersons, artists, celebrate the sacred union of
administrators, civil society Lord Krishna and Rukmini and
organisations, industry leaders, to recognise the integral bond
along with the general public between Gujarat and North-
in cities and villages. They also East region, and organising
visited the States' important sites ‘Unity Day’ competitions to
and took part in activities like encourage public participation—
tree plantation drives, swachata the Government has been
campaigns, G20 walks, millets promoting inter-state bonding
promotion, yoga, and sports and encouraging the citizens of
activities, which helped them the country to gain knowledge
get sensitised towards their role about the heritage, culture, art,
in nation-building. handicrafts, and traditional
This programme has not cuisines of other States.
only helped in building stronger As India marches into the
relationships among the youth Amrit Kaal envisioned by the
from different parts of India, but Prime Minister, initiatives like
has also helped them develop a 'Yuva Sangam' inculcate a
better understanding of India as common spirit of understanding
a whole, furthering the spirit of among the future leaders of our
‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’. country, which shall resonate
Over the years, the throughout the nation and
Government has ensured contribute immensely towards
enhanced interaction and building a truly Shreshtha
promoted mutual understanding Bharat!
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