Page 21 - Mann Ki Baat English(MAY-2023)
P. 21

Yuva Sangam   language, new dialect and a
          new cuisine after every hour. He
          was amazed to get a glimpse
 Nurturing the spirit of ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’  of a mini-India on the train,
          abounding with diversity, which
          he could not properly appreciate
          and understand through books.
          He comprehended it in one go
 Friends, India's strength lies   The rich diversity of India,   during his train journey.”
 in its diversity. There is a lot to   deeply ingrained in the fabric   Building on Dr. Kalam's
 see in our country. Keeping this   of our society, is revealed by   experience and to pave the
 in view, the Ministry of Education   its  distinguishable  cultures,  way to strengthen the ‘Spirit
 has taken an excellent initiative   traditions,  cuisines,  and  of  India’,  ‘Yuva  Sangam’  was
 named 'Yuva Sangam'. The   regions.  This diversity,  woven   conceptualised  under  the
 objective of this initiative is   together by the spirit of mutual
          leadership of the Prime Minister
 to  increase  People  to  People   understanding amidst a shared   as a collaborative effort of
 Connect as well as to give an   history, has held together India’s   various  ministries  led by  the
 opportunity to the youth of the   composite  national  identity  Ministry of Education to increase
 country  to  mingle  with  each   which stands out as a tall flame   people-to-people connections
 of  nationhood  that  needs  to  be   and build empathy among
 -Prime Minister Narendra Modi   nourished and cherished.  youth across the nation.
 (in 'Mann ki Baat' address)  Taking pride in India’s unique   India  is  home  to  one  of  the
 identity and adopting diversity   youngest populations in the
 as a way of life not only enriches   world, and Indian youth are
 our nation, but also empowers   the future of the country  and
 it. And with the idea of making   are going to shape the country
 this united India a prosperous   for the next generation. ‘Yuva
 united India, Prime Minister   Sangam’ aims to ensure that the
 Narendra  Modi  announced ‘Ek   youth are united in their vision
 "Our nation is incredibly large   Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’ on   for a better India. The initiative
 and diverse, and if we want   the birth anniversary of Sardar   focuses on conducting 7-day
 to strengthen the sense of   Vallabhbhai Patel on October 31,
 unity in diversity, it’s extremely   exposure tours for the youths,
 essential to bring our youth   2015. The goal was to celebrate   enabling them to understand
 together and make them   the unity in diversity of our   and identify with the diversity of
 aware of the variety of cultures   nation and to ignite a sense of   India by immersing themselves
 and traditions of the entire   togetherness among the diverse   in each other’s heritage, culture,
 country. IIT Guwahati is very
 set of communities, religions,   customs,  traditions,  cuisines,
 grateful for being selected as   and ethnicities.   languages,  costumes,  arts,
 the host institute under the
 Yuva Sangam programme,   Recollecting  Dr.  APJ Abdul   crafts, music, and  occupations,
 initiated by the Hon’ble Prime   Kalam’s  experience  on  the  and to recognise the inherent
 Minister and organised by the   occasion, the Prime Minister said,   feeling of oneness and greatness
 Ministry of Education."  “When Dr. Kalam embarked on   in being a ‘Bhartiya’.
 Prof. Parameswar K. Iyer  his journey from Rameswaram   In his ‘Mann ki Baat’, the
 Officiating Director,     to  Delhi  for  the  first  time  by   Prime Minister interacted with
 IIT-Guwahati  train, he came across a new   two participants of the ‘Yuva
          Sangam’ programme — Gyamar
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