Page 56 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 56
from our society and said, “Drugs the very real consequences of
bring with it darkness, destruction drug abuse and the potential
and devastation. Addiction for recovery. In the digital age,
is neither cool nor a style social media platforms wield
statement.” Effective awareness immense influence. Campaigns
campaigns are taking a multi- on these platforms employ
faceted approach, using various innovative strategies like videos,
channels to reach the youth graphics, challenges, and live
where they are. Schools, colleges, sessions to capture the attention
community centers, and digital of the youth. The viral nature
platforms all play a crucial role of social media ensures that
in disseminating information awareness messages reach
and sparking discussions. a vast audience, sparking
Seminars, workshops, interactive conversations that challenge
sessions, and informational norms and myths.
materials engage the youth One of the significant
directly, fostering understanding hurdles to awareness is the
and empathy. Human stories stigma attached to addiction.
have an unparalleled ability to It's imperative to create an
connect and resonate. Sharing environment where seeking help
narratives of individuals who is encouraged, not frowned upon.
have triumphed over addiction Mental health professionals,
or experienced its devastating educators, and community
impact creates a bridge of leaders can play a vital role
empathy. These stories serve in dismantling the stigma by
as cautionary tales, illustrating normalising conversations
about addiction. There is a