Page 46 - Mann Ki Baat English August 2023
P. 46
JS Mukul
Former Indian Diplomat
India's G20 Presidency
A People-Centric Approach
There are two things which (T20) in Jammu and Kashmir,
are very unique about India’s the foreign tourist arrivals there
Presidency. First is that India have increased and I am sure
has been able to showcase the this is true of most places. The
‘Incredible India’ as the mother beauty is that we were able to
of democracy with all its glory, take G20 to even some of the
diversity and variety to the world remote corners of the country.
at large. We have had more The second unique
than 220 meetings across 60 achievement is that we were
cities throughout the length able to take G20 to all corners
and breadth of the country in of a country, to all sections of
all States and Union Territories. our society. This is important
In addition, we also showcased because very little was known
the various delegates that have about G20 by the common
come to India, our very rich man. After India’s Presidency, I
and varied culture, customs, think a large number of people
traditions, art and architecture, across all segments — the youth,
and our cuisine. women, students and public
It was not only beneficial to at large — would have come to
showcase India to the delegates, understand what G20 is.
but it also took India’s richness The G20 is broadly
across the world and the balanced between developed
collateral benefit of increased and developing countries or
tourism is being seen. I have seen Emerging Markets and
reports that after the meeting Developing Countries (EMDCs).
of the Tourism Working Group However, there was a big