Page 43 - Mann Ki Baat English August 2023
P. 43
the whole country excited for the Economic Corridor (IMEC) is an
outcome of the Summit. There exciting development and the
have been corollary benefits advantage it brings is that the
as well from the perspective of governments are committed
future investments. to it and the private sector of
If I look at the theme of CII all of these countries will get an
for this year, it speaks about opportunity to participate.
sustainable growth, making The most important
sure that we build trust, not just point which is part of the G20
within the industry and between Declaration as well is to make
industry and the Government, sure that we can finance this
but also between industries and growth in a sustainable manner.
all its stakeholders. So, the G20 From the B20 perspective, we
vision of 'One Earth, One Family, also look at whether there is an
One Future' resonates very well opportunity to create a pool of
with how we, from an industry capital arising out of the current
perspective, look at this and CSR model which has been
I think it actually sets a clear developed by India to make
acceptable paradigm in the way the country a potential seed
in which India, Indian companies, fund attracting further growth
Indian industry will deal with all opportunity. And the industry and
of its stakeholders, not just in the Government has to come
India but also with all of its global together to make sure that we
linkages. are able to provide the financing
The diverse Indian industry for that.
is today ready to balance its India’s stature has
aspirations for accelerated transformed in the world and
development and the green economic affairs. India’s words
commitments. The 'Global and inputs are being listened
Biofuels Alliance' is also a very to. There are takeaways for the
welcome step that will help youth as well. A new generation
address the gap meeting our of entrepreneurs is coming up
climate goals without sacrificing in the country and startups have
the opportunities of growth. made an exceptional mark in
The India-Middle East-Europe India’s economy.