Page 16 - Mann Ki Baat English August 2023
P. 16
Sustainable Milk
Nurturing Farms, Nourishing
a big change in the lives of our Earlier, the milk which used to
mothers and sisters. Just a few take 30 hours to reach is now
days ago, I came to know about reaching in less than half the
an interesting initiative of Banas time. Due to this, whereas the
Dairy of Gujarat. Banas Dairy is pollution caused by fuel has
considered to be the biggest stopped, the cost of fuel is also
Dairy in Asia. On an average, 75 saved. Drivers of trucks have
lakh liters of milk is processed also benefited a lot from this,
here everyday. After this, it is their life has become easier.
also sent to other states. For Friends, with collective
the timely delivery of milk here efforts today, our dairies are also
to other states, until now the moving forward with modern
support of tankers or milk trains thinking. How Banas Dairy has
was availed of. But there were no also taken a step forward in
less challenges in that too. Firstly, the direction of environmental
loading and unloading used to protection is evident through
take a lot of time and often the the Seedball tree plantation
milk also used to get spoilt. To campaign. Varanasi Milk
overcome this problem, Indian Union is working on manure
Railways did a new experiment. management to increase the
Railways started a Truck-on- income of our dairy farmers. The
Track facility from Palanpur to effort of Malabar Milk Union Dairy
New Rewari. In this, milk trucks of Kerala is also very unique.
are directly loaded onto the It is engaged in developing
train. That is, the major problem Ayurvedic Medicines for the
of transportation has been treatment of animal diseases.
overcome by this. The results Friends, today there are
of the Truck-on-Track facility many people who are diversifying
have been very satisfactory. by adopting dairy. You must also