Page 79 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 79
plantation activity with the help employees, and all nature lovers
of my family and friends who are congratulated me on the Prime
also nature lovers. I have taken Minister taking my name in MKB.
selfies and videos while planting He has made the entire world
saplings. aware of my efforts. Thank you
In your opinion, how can so much.
individuals contribute more to In your opinion, what
environmental conservation? role does 'Mann ki Baat' play
Everyone who is interested in motivating individuals to
in environmental protection is engage in environmental
planting saplings. Whether it is conservation and social
a nature lover or anyone...It is initiatives?
good to plant saplings. Because Prime Minister Narendra
it is the plant which provides Modi has taken up a novel
us is the plant which programme that no other
provides fruits and vegetables, prime minister has done. 'Mann
it is the plant which gives us ki Baat' is very useful as it is
shade, it is the plant which gives taking many schemes of the
us herbal medicines. It also government to the people. Not
stops soil erosion. It is a plant only that, those who have made
which brings rain. So, everybody special contribution to society,
should take up plantation like a right from those who are in
movement and I feel happy to the top position to the poor,
save nature. were brought to the limelight
How did you feel upon through 'Mann ki Baat'. People
being featured in the 'Mann ki are getting motivated. Besides,
Baat' program alongside other the PM has initiated so many
inspiring initiatives? programmes for society, like the
Honourable Prime Minister Swachh Bharat, International
has recognised 'service to nature' Day of Yoga, etc. He launched
and my efforts. He mentioned Ayushman Bharat to bring
me in the 114th episode of 'Mann qualitative medicare to people
ki Baat'. It is a memorable day. at an affordable cost. He has
I am so blessed that my name launched so many programs.
was mentioned by him. My wife, As a result, people are getting
daughter, relatives, Singareni benefits.