Page 43 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 43
challenging to achieve than waste) management under SBM
building infrastructure, but it is and AMRUT, signals a continued
also the most enduring. Today, commitment to addressing
cleanliness and sanitation are urban sanitation challenges.
woven into the social fabric This is critical as Indian cities
of communities, and the Jan grow and demand resilient
Andolan construct is being and sustainable infrastructure
leveraged for many other to handle higher loads, water
development priorities. scarcity, and environmental
SBM showcases what pollution.
determined political leadership, Further, prioritising inclusive
and complete government sanitation is imperative, so that
ownership, combined with populations in low-income
community engagement, can settlements and disaster-prone
collectively achieve. areas, can access appropriate
Countries in the Global sanitation solutions with high-
South are looking to replicate quality service delivery.
its success, seeing in SBM a In the decade since its
demonstrated blueprint for inception, the Swachh Bharat
large-scale, transformative Mission has done more than
change. Our foundation was just build toilets—it has built
privileged to recognise India’s communities, inspired change,
sanitation progress by awarding and fundamentally altered
Prime Minister Narendra Modi India’s trajectory in public
the Global Goalkeeper Award at health. Its impact, particularly
the Goalkeepers event in New on women and children, is a
York in September 2019. testament to its broad-reaching
Looking ahead, with rapid success. As it continues to
urbanisation and environmental evolve, its core principles of
degradation, lessons learnt dignity, health, and collective
from SBM become even more responsibility will inspire nations
relevant. The ongoing phase worldwide, helping create
of the sanitation missions, healthier, cleaner, and more
focusing on used water (liquid inclusive societies.