Page 50 - Mann Ki Baat English(MAY-2023)
P. 50

Prime Minister Modi's Vision :                                          thing  is  that  such   efforts
                                                                                         eventually become a part of the
               India's Dedication to Nature and                                          Government's agenda on their
                                                                                         own. The success of the nation's
                   Environment Conservation                                              environmental     programmes
                                                                                         can be attributed to the Prime
                                                                                         Minister's  exceptional  ability
                                                                                         to comprehend how nature
                                                                                         behaves. For example, where
                                                                                         the  country  used  to conserve
                                                                                         only 10 to 15 per cent of rainwater
                                          with which leadership addresses
                                          elements connected to nature's                 naturally, today, with the initiative
                                                                                         of rainwater conservation, this
                                          resources   is  the   biggest
                                          indicator that, while the country              percentage has doubled. We do
                                                                                         not have any indicator of the rate
                                          has excelled economically, it
                                          also shows sensitivity towards                 of environmental degradation
                                                                                         alongside our economic growth;
                                          the environment.  Programmes
                                          such as Swachh Bharat (Clean                   otherwise, along with our GDP,
                                                                                         the   GPI  (Genuine   Progress
                                          India),  Jal  Pradhan  (Water
                                          First), and Mitti Swasthya (Soil               Indicator) would also have
                                                                                         shown  significant  progress.  It   young people, are currently
                                          Health) signify Prime Minister
              Anil Prakash Joshi                                                         would have demonstrated that      actively participating in these
                                          Modi's commitment to nature
               Environmentalist                                                          the  country  has   strengthened   initiatives in a variety of ways.
                                          and his effective approach. If
                                          everyone were to utilise nature's              not only in economic terms but    Today, the water conservation
                                                                                         also in terms of air, water, soil,   efforts across the country are
                                          resources, it would be crucial to
                                          gather collective participation,               and forests, the four pillars of the   perhaps the results of this very
                                                                                         environment.  The  enthusiasm     movement.  On  the  other  hand,
                                          which is possible through such
                                          movements.                                     for such a new initiative in the   to improve the deteriorating
                                                                                         world is attributed to the Prime   health caused by contaminated
                                              In the past nine years, the
                                          Government's     commitment                    Minister's leadership.            soil, efforts have been made to
                                                                                             The Prime Minister's various   make it organic. In this series,
                                          to nature has been evident in
                                          its initiatives. Right from the                initiatives towards environmental   other initiatives that directly
                                                                                         conservation have created a       affect the environment are now
            Nature  is  the  greatest  truth   beginning, the slogan  ‘Swachh
        in the world, and life thrives on   Bharat’ (Clean India) was a step             stronghold from the national      being implemented. The youth
                                                                                         level to the international level.
                                                                                                                           of the country have embraced
        the resources it provides. India   related to the nation's pride. Plans          Everybody is directly impacted    these initiatives in various forms.
        has a special place on the globe   such as ‘Jal Sarankshan’ (Water               by such initiatives, whether they   Whether it is in South or North
        because  its  culture  has always   Conservation) and projects like              are focused on leading a simple   India,  the  participation  of  local
        been dedicated to protecting      ‘Amrit Sarovar’ and ‘Catch the                 life, recognising that we are all   people is evident today. Whether
        the environment and the natural   Rain’ are directly connected with              members of one Earth and one      it is in the IT sector with startups
        world. Prime Minister Modi’s      households and villages. Today,                family, or making the Sun the     or other activities related to land,
        understanding of this has given   all of these have taken the form               world's primary source of energy   the participation of every section
        the country a new direction       of movements. Where it ensured                 in the future. For this reason,   of society is expected. The use
        in terms of dedication to the     the revival of mountain streams,               women    across   the  nation,    of IT and IoT has been directly
        protection  of  nature  and  the   it also brought new life to small             alongside men and especially      employed in youth-led water
        environment. The seriousness      rain-fed rivers. The important

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