Page 14 - Mann Ki Baat English(MAY-2023)
P. 14

is,  water  hyacinth,  which  was   any public participation effort
        once considered a problem for     brings with it many changes. I
        water sources, is now being used   congratulate the people there
        to make paper.                    for this endeavour.
            Friends, if many youths are       My    dear   countrymen,
        working through innovation and    during the 1965 war, our former
        technology, there are also many   Prime Minister Lal Bahadur
        youths who are also engaged in    Shastri  gave  the  slogan  'Jai
        the  mission  of  making  society   Jawan, Jai Kisan'. Later, Atal ji
        aware, like the youth of Balod    had also added Jai Vigyan to it.
        district in Chhattisgarh. The     A few years ago, while talking
        youth  here  have  started  a     to the scientists of the country, I
        campaign to save water. They      talked about Jai Anusandhan. In
        go door-to-door to make people    'Mann ki Baat', today's reference
        aware of water conservation. If   is about such a person, about
        there is an event like a marriage   such an organization, which
        somewhere, this group of youth    is  a  reflection  of  all  these
        goes there and gives information   four, Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai
                                                                                         campaign, Shivaji Dole ji formed   grapes  grown  there  are  being
        about how misuse of water can     Vigyan and Jai Anusandhan.
                                                                                         a small team of 20 people and     exported to Europe as well. The
        be stopped. An inspiring effort   This is a gentleman, Shriman
                                                                                         added    some   ex-servicemen     two great features of this team,
        related  to  the  efficient  use  of   Shivaji Shamrao Dole from
                                                                                         to it. After this, his team took   which attracted my attention,
        water is also being undertaken    Maharashtra. Shivaji Dole hails
                                                                                         over the management of a co-      are these - Jai Vigyan and
        in Khunti district of Jharkhand.   from a small  village in Nashik
                                                                                         operative  organisation  named    Jai Anusandhan. Its members
        People in Khunti have found       district. He comes from a poor
                                                                                         Venkateshwara    Co-Operative     are making maximum use of
        a  way  out of  the  water  crisis   tribal farmer family, and is also
                                                                                         Power &Agro Processing Limited.   technology and Modern Agro
        through check dams. Due to        an ex-serviceman. While in the
                                                                                         This co-operative organisation    Practices. The second feature is
        the accumulation of water from    army, he dedicated his life to
                                                                                         was lying dormant, which he       that they are also focusing on
        the check dams, greens and        the country. After retirement, he
                                                                                         took up the challenge of reviving.   various  certifications  required
        vegetables have also started      decided to learn something new
                                                                                         Today    Venkateshwara    Co-     for   exports.  I  appreciate
        growing here. On account of       and did a Diploma in Agriculture,
                                                                                         Operative has expanded to many    this team working with the
        this, the income of the people is   that is, he moved towards Jai
                                                                                         districts in no time. Today this   spirit of 'prosperity through
        also increasing, and the needs    Jawan, Jai Kisan. Now every
                                                                                         team is working in Maharashtra    cooperation'. This effort has
        of the region are also being      moment, he strives to ensure
                                                                                         and Karnataka. About 18,000       not only empowered a large
        fulfilled.  Khunti has become a   how to contribute maximum
                                                                                         people are associated with it, in   number of people, but has
        fascinating example of how        in the agriculture sector. In this
                                                                                         which a large number of our Ex-   also created many means of
                                                                                         Servicemen are also there. The    livelihood.  I  hope  this effort
                                                                                         members of this team are doing    inspires every listener of 'Mann
                                                                                         Agro Farming in more than 500     ki Baat'.
                                                                                         acres of land in Malegaon, Nashik.
                                                                                         This team is also engaged in          My dear countrymen, today
                                                                                         building  many  ponds  for  water   the 28  of May, is the birth
                                                                                         conservation. The special thing   anniversary of the great freedom
                                                                                         is that they have also started    fighter,   Veer   Savarkar.   The
                                                                                         Organic Farming and Dairy. Now    stories  related  to  his  sacrifice,
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