Page 49 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 49

memorial to the victims of the       Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for
          2001 Gujarat earthquake. This     Environment),  launched    by
          project displays the resilience of   the Prime Minister, serves as a
          the people of Kutch and serves    powerful inspiration for India's
          as a reminder of their ability to   youth, showcasing the country's
          rise from the ashes. The project,   commitment to protecting the
          which was envisioned by Prime     environment while achieving
          Minister as a dreamlike forest    development. Mission LiFE is
          created   through   Miyawaki's    envisioned as an India-led global
          method, has now become a          mass movement to protect and
          reality which attracts visitors   preserve the environment. We
          from India and abroad. Amid       urge all the students to adopt
          the  rocky  hills  with minimal   Mission  LiFE.  By  adopting  this
          rainfall, facing water scarcity   mission, we can collectively
          and   extreme   temperatures,     work towards creating a better
          this  forest  flourishes  with  over   world by valuing all forms of
          4.3 lakh trees planted and can    life, personifying ‘Vasudhaiva
          also be referred to as India's    Kutumbakam’.
          Amazon forest. It has withstood      With our Prime Minister's
          even severe storms like Biparjoy,   support and awareness, the
          demonstrating its resilience.     Miyawaki technique is gaining
          Kutch, which was once known       authenticity  and  recognition
          for the Rann, has now become a    at the national level. Instead of
          memorable destination also for    simply focusing on decorative
          its Smriti Van.                   gardens, let's educate children
              India's emergence as a        with   the   Miyawaki   forest
          leader in climate change and      technique—a proven method for
          the Government's focus on         creating dense, diverse forests
          environmental    conservation     in small spaces and encourage
          is of utmost importance. Our      them towards the establishment
          participation  in  international  of mini Miyawaki forests near
          collaborations, such as the       residential areas, schools, and
          Paris Agreement, demonstrates     industries, as well as along
          our commitment to mitigating      river banks and pond shores.
          climate change and creating       By imparting this meaningful
          a sustainable future. As  a       message, we can inspire the
          fastest-growing  economy,  we     younger generation to become
          hold  immense    responsibility,  the  champions    of  change
          and under Prime Minister Modi's   and  take  active  steps  towards
          leadership, we have gained        building a sustainable future for
          global recognition. And we        all. As individuals and as a nation,
          must now walk the talk and take   we must take responsibility
          initiatives to address climate    for our environment and work
          change    and   environmental     towards a sustainable and
          challenges.                       greener future.

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