Page 32 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 32
Ni-kshay Mitras
Leading India's Fight Against TB
India has resolved to create Tuberculosis (TB) has long
a TB-free India by 2025. Today, been a global health crisis,
TB patients are being helped by afflicting millions and causing
making them family members. immeasurable suffering. In
To eliminate tuberculosis from India, the burden of this disease
the root, Ni-kshay Mitras have has been severe. With high
taken the lead. Thousands of
population density and various
people... have come forward
social challenges, the country
themselves and adopted
has faced an uphill battle in
TB patients. This public
participation is the biggest containing the spread of TB. The
strength of this campaign. It is disease has not only taken a toll
due to this participation, that on the physical health of those
today, more than 10 lakh TB- affected, but has also ravaged
patients in the country have their emotional well-being and
been adopted.
financial stability.
-Prime Minister Narendra Modi The Government, under the
(in 'Mann ki Baat' address) leadership of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi, has committed
itself to tackling the challenge
of TB on a mission mode and
has set India on the road to
ending TB by 2025. Over the
"I appreciate our Prime last 9 years, a multi-pronged
Minister and the Government approach has been adopted
that they started the with focus on utilizing the spirit
Ni-kshay Mitra scheme. I
of Jan Andolan for eliminating
request the people to listen to TB from India. Ensuring accurate
the call of the Prime Minister
and become a part of this identification of TB patients,
people’s movement. Nothing timely case reporting, effective
can be better than an act of medication, and tracking
helping others who need help drug-resistant strains have
and care." been the critical priorities of
-Deepa Malik
Paralympian, National Ambassador the Government. Harnessing
of TB-Free India Campaign and the power of technology and
Ni-kshay Mitra
innovation, state-of-the-art