Page 12 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 12
The entire Baramulla is turning wonders in the Junior Shooting
into the symbol of a new 'White World Cup. The Indian team has
Revolution'. During the last 2.5 secured the first position in this
- 3 years more than 500 dairy tournament. Out of the total gold
units have come up here. The medals in this tournament, 20%
dairy industry of Baramulla have come in India's account
is a testimony to the fact that alone. The Asian under Twenty
every part of our country is full Athletics Championship has also
of possibilities. The collective been held this June. In this, India
will of the people of a region can remained in the top three in the
achieve any goal. medal tally among 45 countries.
Friends, earlier there
My dear countrymen, this used to be a time when we
month many a great news have used to come to know about
come in for India from the sports international events, but, often
world. The Indian team has there was no mention of India
raised the glory of the Tricolor by in them. But, today, I am just
winning the Women's Junior Asia mentioning the successes of
Cup for the first time. This month the past few weeks, even then
itself our Men's Hockey Team has the list becomes so long. This
also won the Junior Asia Cup. is the real strength of our youth.
With that, we have also become There are many such sports and
the team with the most wins in competitions, where today, for
the history of this tournament. the first time, India is making
Our junior team also did her presence felt. For example,
Sports Culture of India
Rising to its Glory
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