Page 31 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 31

farmers where a MG NREGA card     corporation has planted trees
          holder will get Rs 56,000 in three   and Sarovars, and Amrit Vatikas
          years if he plants 200 trees in his   have been made everywhere.
          field. Gram Panchayats and Rural     Wherever   Prime   Minister
          Development  Department have      Narendra Modi goes, he talks
          planted a large number of trees   about one thing for sure - the
          in their villages. Besides, the PWD   temperature of the earth is
          department has planted trees      rising due to global warming
          along the national highways and   and climate change. Biodiversity
          roads. Children have planted      will  end, many trees, plants
          trees in their schools. In fact,   and  wildlife  will  disappear
          every  government   employee      due to climate change. If the
          and officer have come together    temperature continues to rise
          to make plantation drive a grand   like this, there will be recurring
          success.                          droughts in the coming years and
              The  general  public  has     agricultural yields will decrease,
          joined the tree plantation drive.   rivers will flood, and new diseases
          Be it lawyers, doctors, chartered   will spread. To stop all this, it
          accountants,   members      of    is necessary to contain global
          Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh      warming and climate change,
          and all other social organisations,   and plantation and saving trees
          they all understood that planting   are among the main remedies.
          trees is very essential. Along with   Along with this, we are paying
          planting trees, it is also important   attention to reduce the emission
          to save trees. As we are observing   of carbon dioxide.
          Amrit Varsh this year, every

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