Page 13 - Mann Ki Baat - English, February,2023
P. 13
whether his medicine has to see, we, by speaking to CHO, in
be increased or decreased, the video only, ask to see. And
because most of the patients sometimes, by coming close to
in Sikkim are diabetic and the patient in the video itself, we
hypertension-prone and how see the problems he is facing;
far he will have to go to find a if someone has a skin problem,
doctor to change the medicine then he shows us through the
for diabetes and hypertension. video itself. So, those people
But through tele-consultation, it remain satisfied.
is available there and medicine Prime Minister : And later
is also available through ‘Free after treating him, does he get
Drugs’ initiative in the Health & satisfaction… what does he feel?
Wellness Center. So, the patient Are patients getting well?
avails of the medicine from there Dr. Madan Mani : Yes, they
itself. get a lot of satisfaction. We also
Prime Minister : Well Madan get satisfaction, Sir. Because
Mani ji, you know that the patient I am currently in the Health
has a tendency that until the Department and simultaneously
doctor comes; until the doctor do tele-consultation… it is a very
sees him; he is not satisfied and good and pleasant experience
the doctor also feels that he will for me to see the patient along
have to see the patient. Now, with the file.
since all the consultations there Prime Minister : On an
are done through telecom, what average, how many patients
does the doctor feel; what does would be there through
the patient feel? tele-consultation cases?
Dr. Madan Mani : Ji… we also Dr. Madan Mani : So far I
feel that if the patient feels that have seen 536 patients.
he should see the doctor, then Prime Minister : Oh… that
whatever things we want to means you have mastered it a
Dr. Madan Mani : Yes, it feels
Prime Minister : Okay, I wish
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