Page 49 - MKV (English)
P. 49
the largest vaccination drives as well as their loved ones’ lives.
on planet Earth. His vaccine Soon, the COVID-19 vaccination
strategy was based on equality drive became a mass movement
and equanimity and also tried and people, without hesitation,
to help other nations of the world started visiting healthcare
by helping them as well during centres. Thus, India’s fight
this crisis. against the pandemic became
‘Mann ki Baat’ is a one-of- people-driven with the entire
its-kind radio show which has country coming together for a
become a platform from which single common objective.
several important campaigns Upholding the spirit of unity
and people’s movements in diversity, the Prime Minister
have originated. The important has furthered the vision of
ingredient in all these mass public participation in nation-
movements has been jan building through his ‘Mann ki
bhagidari, which the Prime Baat’ addresses. As a G20 leader,
Minister’s radio programme has the Prime Minister now leads
fuelled. And this can be clearly the world with the concept to
seen in the success of nationwide unite planet Earth with peace,
campaigns like the COVID-19 harmony, and good health. He
vaccination drive which has popularised Yoga worldwide
been applauded across the and ‘Mann ki Baat’ is one of the
globe. foremost programmes in the
The Prime Minister dedicated world to connect with every
multiple addresses of ‘Mann family in India. Through ‘Mann ki
ki Baat’ in 2020 to talk about Baat’, he has felt the pulse of the
the COVID-19. He kept people nation and talked about what
educated about COVID-19- was relevant and meaningful
appropriate behaviour and the for the citizens of India as we
COVID-19 vaccination and its become a self-reliant global
importance. He urged people to power.
take the vaccine to save their