Page 13 - MKV (English)
P. 13
launched a campaign. How is country. Nothing can be more
your campaign going on these fortunate for me than this.
days? Prime Minister : Pradeep
Pradeep ji : Sir it is going on ji! You are doing sadhna in
very well. From 2020, imagine true sense on the peaks of the
that the amount work we used Himalayas and I am sure now
to do in five years is now done in on hearing your name, people
one year. remember how you are involved
Prime Minister : That’s great! in the cleanliness campaign of
Pradeep ji : Yes, yes, sir. In the the mountains.
beginning, I was very nervous, I Pradeep ji : Yes sir.
was very scared that whether I Prime Minister : And as you
would be able to do this for the told us now a huge team is being
rest of my life or not, but got some formed and you are doing such
support and till 2020, we were a huge amount of work daily.
struggling a lot honestly. Not Pradeep ji : Yes sir.
many people were joining …, there Prime Minister : And I have
were many people who were not full faith that through your
able to support. They were not efforts and discussion about it,
even paying that much attention now many mountaineers have
to our campaign. But after 2020, started posting photos related to
when it was mentioned in 'Mann cleanliness.
ki Baat', many things changed. Pradeep ji : Yes sir! A lot.
Meaning, earlier we used to do Prime Minister : It is good.
6-7 cleaning drives in a year, or 10
cleaning drives. Today, we collect At least 75 Amrit
five tons of garbage on a daily
basis from different locations. Sarovars can be made
Prime Minister : Wonderful! in every district of our
Pradeep ji : After being country in the Azadi ka
Amrit Mahotsav.
mentioned in 'Mann ki Baat',
believe me Sir, that I was at the
stage of almost giving up at that
point of time and after that a lot
of change came in my life and
then speeded up so fast which
was beyond our comprehension.
So I'm really thankful how you
find out people like us. Who works
in such a remote area, we are
working sitting in the Himalayan
region. We are working at this
altitude. You found us there. You
brought our work in front of the
world. So, it was a very emotional
moment for me even then and
even today that I am able to talk
to the Principal Servant of our
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